
by BeeKeepPal



Being responsible for an entire colony of living things in itself can be hard work. Theres some heavy lifting and physically difficult tasks involved. On top of that, record keeping and paper works can be time consuming and tiring, but unfortunately, it is something that we cannot avoid. What if we tell you, there is a solution.Introducing BeeKeepPal, a complete operations management app for novice as well as commercial beekeepers that lets you digitally record all your beekeeping information.The BeeKeepPal mobile app allows you to:1. Manage Your ApiaryGive your apiary a name and start managing its details, including its location.2. Manage Your BeehivesAdd your beehives to an apiary, and manage aspects such as the queen, beehive components and inspections.3. Record Your Beehive InspectionsRecord your beehive inspection, filling out as much information as you think is necessary. BeeKeepPal uses your inspection data to provide informed recommendations for your beehives.4. Schedule TasksTheres always something to do around your apiary. Schedule your tasks and get reminders when they are near due.